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Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)

Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Course
(Blended Course)
Number of Hours:
2 Weeks or 30 Hours – Facilitated Self-Paced Online Program
3 Days 30 Hours – Skills Training
Course Description:
Emergency Medical Responders provide immediate lifesaving care to critical patients who access the
emergency medical services system. EMRs have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate
lifesaving interventions while awaiting additional EMS resources to arrive. EMRs also provide assistance to
higher-level personnel at the scene of emergencies and during transport. Emergency Medical Responders
are a vital part of the comprehensive EMS response. Under medical oversight, Emergency Medical
Responders perform basic interventions with minimal equipment.
[From the: National EMS Scope of Practice Model]
Our course program adheres to the US Department of Transportation (USDOT), National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) National Standard Curriculum for EMR and National Registry of
Emergency Medical Technician.
I. Didactic Program
1. Introduction to EMS Systems
2. Legal and Ethical Principles of Emergency
3. Wellness and Safety of the Emergency
Medical Responder
4. Introduction to Medical Terminology,
Human Anatomy, and Lifespan
5. Introduction to Pathophysiology
6. Principles of Lifting, Moving, and
Positioning of Patients
7. Principles of Effective Communication
8. Principles of Effective Documentation
9. Principles of Airway Management and
10. Principles of Oxygen Therapy
11. Principles of Resuscitation
12. Obtaining a Medical History and Vital
13. Principles of Patient Assessment
14. Caring for Cardiac Emergencies
15. Caring for Respiratory Emergencies
16. Caring for Common Medical Emergencies
17. Caring for Environmental Emergencies
18. Caring for Soft-Tissue Injuries and
19. Recognition and Care of Shock
20. Caring for Muscle and Bone Injuries
21. Caring for Head and Spine Injuries
22. Caring for Chest and Abdominal
23. Care During Pregnancy and Childbirth
24. Caring for Infants and Children
25. Special Considerations for the Geriatric
26. Introduction to EMS Operations and
Hazardous Response
27. Introduction to Multiple-Casualty Incidents,
the Incident Command System, and

II. Skills Training
1. Lifting/moving
2. Spinal Immobilization
3. Airway / Ventilation
4. Vital Signs
5. BLS-CPR with AED for Pre-Hospital
Provider (Philippine Heart Association)
6. Patient Assessment
7. Medical Assessment
8. Medical Emergencies
9. Bleeding Control (STOP THE BLEED)
10. Trauma Emergencies
11. OB and Special Needs Emergencies
12. EMS Operation and Highway safety
13. Extrication
14. Terrorism Response
15. Mass Casualty Operation
16. Final Didactic Examination (On-site
Computer Based Testing)
17. Final Practical Examination using
Objective Structure Clinical Examination
II. Ambulance Rotation
100 Hours
Students will also complete and should pass the written and practical exam.
NOTE: Upon end of the training course, student participants will receive “Certificate of Completion”.

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